Northland Tech Talks: Mobile Credentials
Apr 01, 2021
Danny Chung, Global Director of Design and Consulting, speaks about mobile credentials, how they work, their benefits, and things to consider before switching.
Danny Chung, Global Director of Design and Consulting, speaks about mobile credentials, how they work, their benefits, and things to consider before making the switch.
As the digital transformation continues to make headway in our everyday lives, privacy concerns are continuously at top of mind. For those companies that do not offer a company-issued mobile phone, pushing credentials to a personal phone has spurred conversations around privacy and security. Some critics of mobile credentials lend
themselves to concerns around having a work-sanctioned app on a personal phone; believing it opens the door to tracking employee’s behavior and personal information. Additionally, with phishing attempts increasing as the amount of sensitive information
stored on a phone grows, it may leave some employees more vulnerable. If considering implementing mobile credentials, providing training on best practices to keep personal information safe, and bad actors out, should be considered.
If you have more questions or would like to understand more about making the switch to mobile credentials, please email us at